Games and Stuff is MOVING!!

Games and Stuff is MOVING!!

You read that right!

You've seen the clues, you've read the tea leaves, and some of you have even guessed it. Games and Stuff is moving!

We'll soon be leaving Cromwell Field Shopping Center, our home for the past ten and half years, and moving on to bigger and better things. This fall, we'll open at the new location located a mere 9 minutes away in Harundale Plaza - with tons of parking and near our fabulous new neighbors including Mission BBQ, Outback Steakhouse, Piazza Italia, Lidl, and more!

Cromwell has served us well, but we've outgrown the space. So we need to get bigger!

A lot bigger.

How big? We'll be the biggest game store on the east coast.

Our new store features a retail showroom of almost 14,000 square feet! That's over three and half times the size of our current retail space! That's a lot of new games (and stuff).

The new game room is over 4,000 square feet! Thirty percent bigger than our current one... PLUS we're adding two private for-rent gaming suites, with room for up to eight people seated around a premium gaming table. 

We cannot wait to share the next step in the history of Games and Stuff with you.
Keep your eyes on our social media feeds in the coming weeks for special previews and more news as we get closer to the big day.

Finally, we'd like to give a special shout-out to Annie Gordon, the only person who not only successfully guessed that the store was moving, but was able to sleuth out the exact location!

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